Everything you need to know about dental crowns

What is a dental crown? A dental crown procedure is used to protect a damaged tooth, add strength and durability. Dental crown cost varies depending on the types of dental crowns used and the size and formation of the crown. A crown or a “cap” is a...

Why do my gums bleed when I brush or floss my teeth?

Bleeding gums are one of the first signs of gum disease. It occurs most often when you aren’t removing the plaque on your teeth often enough, by not brushing and flossing regularly. If you are brushing and flossing daily and you still notice that your gums are...

What should I do if my crown or bridge comes off?

Occasionally a crown or a bridge will come off. There a few common causes why this happens. Decay that has gone under the gum line and then has worked its way up inside the crown or the bridge, removing the solid tooth structure that held the restoration on. The...

How long do fillings last?

The life of a filling depends upon your at home oral health routine and your oral habits. If you are a clencher or a grinder, you can easily damage a filling from the amount of force being placed repeatedly on the tooth. (By the way, many people don’t recognize...