What is Plaque and Calculus?

Plaque is a sticky film that forms on your teeth. It develops when food debris and saliva mix with the bacteria in your mouth. Plaque is always present in the mouth. Regular brushing and flossing keeps plaque at a minimum. When left too long on the teeth, plaque...

What is a Digital Radiograph or Dental X-Ray?

A digital radiograph or dental x-ray system uses a sensor to digitally transfer your teeth image to a computer. The advantage is the immediate transfer and accessibility of images by Altitude Dental.  This allows us to use those images immediately in planning your...

What happens at a dental hygiene appointment?

Scaling and Root Planing The first step is scaling and root planing. Your dental hygiene appointment is most often spent on scaling and root planing.  Your dental hygienist will manually remove any soft (plaque) or hard (calculus) buildup that has accumulated above...

Why is Oral Health Important for Overall Health?

Your teeth need to last your lifetime: they work hard each and every day – they need to be strong and healthy and look good.  Ensuring that your mouth, gums and teeth are healthy and well maintained, helps you to ensure the overall health of your body.  In fact,...